
Apps Dev
.NET Framework – The .NET framework helps you create mobile, desktop, and web applications that run on Windows PCs, devices and servers.
.NET Core – .NET Core gives you a fast and modular platform for creating server applications that run on Windows, Linux and Mac.
.NET 3.0 – 4.7, C#, ASP.NET MVC, SQL, WPF, WCF, WF, Web API 2, Entity, LINQ, TFS
The Microsoft is platform du jour for SpringbokIT, and it’s an exciting time to be building apps on any of the .NET technology stacks. Still doing new dev in Visual Basic? Implementing a Data Lake to your Azure environment for improved analytics? Software is about the right tool for the job, whether you’re maxing out ROI on older systems or running bleeding edge stuff.
.NET Framework – So much has changed since the days of winforms, the .NET framework is now being used for desktop, web and mobile app development. You need an IT Recruiting partner who knows there’s a difference between a .NET Developer tuning a WPF backend and a .NET Developer building REST API’s. Throw in the .NET Developer building iOS apps in C# and things get really confusing. We’ve been building .NET teams since VB6 and understand how the .NET Framework has progressed to it’s current glory.
.NET Core – It’s still kind of mind blowing to see .NET source code on Git Hub. With it’s cross-platform support for macOS and Linux as well as Windows, .NET Core can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.
Open Source
The days of siloed development platforms that don’t play nice together are over. Open Source is no longer the red headed step child of .NET and Java. Windows and Linux are best buds now, Javascript has retaken it's crown, API's and webservices rule the day. It used to be what you can create, now it's all about what you can integrate. (3 JS frameworks came out while you read this) Open Source technology is a one of the primary focuses for Springbok IT. We Git it. Let's Go make your Python React.
There are many ways to attack mobile for the enterprise. Whether you're going the responsive route through modern web standards, doing native development for iOS and Android, or using a middle man like Xamarin or Ionic to get the most out of your dev team. We can even help find a Windows Phone developer if you'd like to fire up the Delorean.
There is a ton of Java code out there in the wilds of DFW, and lots of new development to be done using Java 9 and JEE8. Most of the work our clients are doing on the Java stack involve the Spring framework, and our recruiters are cool with delivering on the JVM or API side. Sometimes we'll lock an Eclipse dev in the same room with an Intellij dev and let them fight it out.